Bible Study #238 - God's Benefit Package ✝️📦🕊️📦✝️


It’s hard to believe that we will have hit Day 238 of our studying the Bible together! For the upcoming Bible study, on Saturday please read and consider the following questions.
Write your answers in your prayer journal.

▪️Psalms 103:1 - 12

  1. What does it mean for you to "bless the Lord with all that is within you" (v.1)?

    • Are there areas of your life that you hold back from fully blessing or honoring God? How can you bring those areas into alignment with the call to praise Him wholeheartedly?

  2. How do you experience God’s forgiveness and healing in your life (v.3)?

    • Reflect on past wounds or mistakes. How does knowing God forgives and heals influence your understanding of yourself and others? In what ways might you need to accept His forgiveness more fully?

  3. When considering that God removes our sins “as far as the east is from the west” (v.12), do you truly believe and embrace this?

    • Is there a particular sin or guilt that you struggle to let go of, even though God has forgiven you? What steps can you take to rest in His grace?

  4. How does knowing that God is "merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love" (v.8) impact your approach to difficult situations or people?

    • Do you extend this same grace and mercy to others, particularly in challenging relationships? How can you mirror God’s character more in your interactions?

  5. In reflecting on God’s eternal nature versus our fleeting human lives (v.15-17), how does this perspective influence your priorities?

    • How can you shift your focus from temporary concerns to eternal ones? Are there specific areas where you need to realign your life with God’s lasting purposes?

▪️ 2 Corinthians 1:1 -11

  1. Reflect on a time when you experienced comfort in your suffering. How did God's comfort manifest in your life during that season?

    • Consider how this passage highlights God as the "Father of compassion and the God of all comfort" (v.3-4). In what ways did you sense His presence during difficult times?

  2. How have you been able to comfort others from the comfort you received from God?

    • Verse 4 speaks of comforting others with the comfort we ourselves receive. Reflect on how you can use your past struggles to bring hope and encouragement to others.

  3. What role does suffering play in strengthening your faith?

    • Reflect on verses 5-7, where Paul speaks of the sufferings of Christ overflowing into our lives but also how His comfort abounds. How does enduring hardships draw you closer to Christ?

  4. When facing despair or hardships, how do you tend to respond? Do you rely on God, or do you struggle with self-reliance?

    • In verse 9, Paul acknowledges the pressure that led them to "despair of life itself." How do you relate to this, and what is your response when you feel overwhelmed?

  5. How can you better rely on God as your ultimate source of strength and deliverance in times of difficulty?

    • Verse 10 speaks of God as our deliverer. Think about the practical ways you can grow in trusting God’s deliverance in every challenge.

▪️ 2 Chronicles 26
What does Uzziah’s rise to power teach us about the importance of seeking wise guidance and mentors? In what areas of your life could a mentor help you grow spiritually or professionally?

  1. Uzziah prospered as long as he sought the Lord. What are some ways you actively seek God’s guidance, and how do you think it impacts your personal or career success?

  2. How do you handle success or praise when it comes your way? Do you find yourself becoming more prideful or more humble? Why do you think Uzziah’s success led to his downfall?

  3. What areas in your life might you be tempted to overstep or take control of, similar to Uzziah entering the temple? How do you stay within the boundaries that God has set for you?

  4. The priests boldly confronted Uzziah when he was wrong. How do you react to correction from others, especially when you are in a position of authority or success? How can you become more receptive to guidance or correction?

  5. Uzziah’s downfall was triggered by pride. What are the signs in your own life that pride might be affecting your decisions? How can you cultivate a heart of humility in those moments?

▪️ 2 Chronicles 27
Integrity in Leadership: Jotham chose to follow God’s commands and avoid the mistakes his father made. What areas in your life require you to stand firm in your beliefs, even when it’s challenging? How do you maintain integrity in situations where others might compromise?

  1. Building and Strengthening: Jotham invested in fortifying Judah, building walls and structures. What are the "walls" or defenses you need to build in your spiritual life or personal development? How can you proactively strengthen areas that might be vulnerable?

  2. Learning from the Past: Jotham learned from his father’s downfall by not entering the Temple inappropriately. What lessons have you learned from past mistakes—either your own or others'? How have these lessons influenced your current decisions or behaviors?

  3. Victory and Tribute: Jotham was rewarded for his obedience through victories and tributes from the Ammonites. In what ways have you seen obedience to God bring about unexpected blessings or successes in your life? How do you handle the prosperity that comes from faithfulness?

  4. Growing in Power: The text says Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the Lord. What does "walking steadfastly" look like for you today? How do you ensure that your focus remains on God amid increasing responsibilities or success?

▪️ 2 Chronicles 28

  1. Influence of Leadership: Ahaz's decisions led to widespread consequences for Judah. How does the behavior of those in leadership influence your own actions or faith? How can you ensure that your leadership or influence positively impacts others?

  2. Turning to God or the World in Crisis: In his distress, Ahaz sought help from the Assyrians instead of God, which brought more problems. In moments of crisis, where do you instinctively turn for help? What does this reveal about your trust and priorities?

  3. The Role of Idolatry: Ahaz's idolatry not only separated him from God but also led to the downfall of the nation. Are there any "idols" or distractions in your life that may be distancing you from a deeper relationship with God? How can you identify and address them?

  4. Responding to Correction: The Israelites initially took Judah’s people captive but listened to Oded's warning and acted with compassion. How do you respond when confronted with your mistakes or wrongdoings? Are you open to correction, even if it comes from unexpected sources?

  5. Faithfulness in Hard Times: Ahaz continued to rebel against God even in distress. What does it take to remain faithful to God during challenging situations? How can you cultivate a mindset that seeks God first, regardless of circumstances?

  6. Legacy and Spiritual Impact: Ahaz's legacy was one of spiritual failure, and he was not honored in death. What kind of spiritual legacy do you want to leave behind? How can your current actions contribute to or detract from that legacy?


Bible Study #243 Fix Your Eyes on the Invisible 🫥🫥👀